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SITA airline survey 2016Today we are starting to see how a fully connected future landscape might develop as pace-setters across numerous industries take the first tentative steps along the Internet of Things and automation pathway. Indeed, even by 2020 Cisco expects 50 billion machines to be connected to the internet, vastly outnumbering the five billion humans who will be.

For the first time this year our research team here at SITA got a snapshot of what airlines around the world are planning to do with these emerging technologies. The level of activity planned over the next five to ten years for some of these new technologies, which we have highlighted in this infographic, may surprise you.

Robots, wearables, biometrics and virtual reality are all starting to feature in airline plans.

The success of such tech in the air transport industry depends largely on how it can be adapted or applied to improve the passenger experience, either directly or indirectly via airline systems and their staff.

2016 Airline IT Trends Survey:

Survey findings are based on questionnaires sent to senior IT executives in each of the top 200 passenger carriers, including low cost operators, together with carriers representing important players in the regional and leisure sectors.

The survey provides a clear insight on IT strategic thinking and developments, with key emerging trends and technologies for the airline industry.
