Israel Aerospace Industries is negotiating further sales of its Harop loitering munition, which it is offering as part of a package that also includes the Lora surface-to-surface missile.

The Harop can be launched from a variety of platforms on land or sea, before navigating towards a potential target area.

It is armed with a 15kg (33lb) warhead and equipped with a POP-250 day/night sensor produced by IAI's Tamam division. Maximum flight range is cited as 540nm (1,000km), with an operational range of 108nm, and the type boasts an endurance of 6h, with man-in-the-loop mission control.

An IAI source notes that the weapon can also be used as a target locator for other systems, such as the Lora.

The Lora weighs more than 1,500kg, including a 240kg warhead, and has a maximum range of 160nm.

India has previously purchased the Harop, and according to press reports also the Lora.
