The French Government research agency Onera and its German counterpart, the DLR, are to integrate their helicopter research activities in a move they say will provide a prototype for a "unique European aeronautics and space research organisation".
The two have co-operated since 1992 on helicopter research in support of Eurocopter and its predecessors. The deal provides for 100% co-operation in all areas of rotorcraft research, with financing and the use of facilities and staff shared equally.
A permanent common management team has been set up to handle the partnership, charged with formulating each year's research activities and informing Onera, DLR or both together.
A legal entity will be formed, either a French-based Groupement d'Intéret Economique or "another solution", according to Onera, adding that this would create the conditions "-to extend into other [research] areas".
Source: Flight International