STODDARD-HAMILTON Aircraft plans to display the GlaStar two-seat kitplane outside the USA for the first time at the ILA show in Berlin, Germany, in mid-May. The 860kg aircraft will be flown across the Atlantic via Greenland, an estimated 40h trip, and will be demonstrated in Europe before being returned to the USA in July for display at the Oshkosh show.
The aircraft displayed will be the first customer-completed GlaStar, owned by MDB Aerospace, which plans to install its new FM2600 piston engine in the GlaStar.
The aircraft will be powered by a Teledyne Continental IO-240 for European tour.
Stoddard-Hamilton president Bob Gavinsky says that there is strong European interest in the GlaStar, which has already proved popular in the USA.
The Arlington, Washington-based company has sold some 300 of the $19,950 kits since introducing the aircraft in 1994.
Source: Flight International