Rank: Indicates position in Top 100 based on 2001 aerospace sales. Last year's rank is in brackets.
Aero sales: Aerospace divisional sales for 2001 financial year.
Total sales: Total group sales and divisional totals for 2001 financial year.
$m: Indicates figures in millions of US dollars.
ch: Change in percentage terms from 2000 figure.
Op result: Operating profit/loss.
op margin: Operating margin as % of aerospace sales.
ROCE: Return on capital employed.
R&D: Research and development.
CApex: Capital expenditure.
data source
The Flight International Top 100 Aerospace Companies was compiled by aerospace experts at Roland Berger - Strategy Consultants using analytical techniques based on company-reported accounts reconciled to programme-based information. Flight International's sister online publication, Air Transport Intelligence, assisted in the collection of data.
Rank: Indicates position in Top 100 based on 2001 aerospace sales. Last year's rank is in brackets.
Aero sales: Aerospace divisional sales for 2001 financial year.
Total sales: Total group sales and divisional totals for 2001 financial year.
$m: Indicates figures in millions of US dollars.
ch: Change in percentage terms from 2000 figure.
Op result: Operating profit/loss.
op margin: Operating margin as % of aerospace sales.
ROCE: Return on capital employed.
R&D: Research and development.
CApex: Capital expenditure.
data source
The Flight International Top 100 Aerospace Companies was compiled by aerospace experts at Roland Berger - Strategy Consultants using analytical techniques based on company-reported accounts reconciled to programme-based information. Flight International's sister online publication, Air Transport Intelligence, assisted in the collection of data.
Rank: Indicates position in Top 100 based on 2001 aerospace sales. Last year's rank is in brackets.
Aero sales: Aerospace divisional sales for 2001 financial year.
Total sales: Total group sales and divisional totals for 2001 financial year.
$m: Indicates figures in millions of US dollars.
ch: Change in percentage terms from 2000 figure.
Op result: Operating profit/loss.
op margin: Operating margin as % of aerospace sales.
ROCE: Return on capital employed.
R&D: Research and development.
CApex: Capital expenditure.
data source
The Flight International Top 100 Aerospace Companies was compiled by aerospace experts at Roland Berger - Strategy Consultants using analytical techniques based on company-reported accounts reconciled to programme-based information. Flight International's sister online publication, Air Transport Intelligence, assisted in the collection of data.
COMPANY/DIVISIONS: The top line of the financial figures refers to consolidated results for the overall group, including non-aerospace business. The divisional figures are for those businesses that are fully or largely concerned with aerospace. Groups have been ranked by their aerospace sales for 2000, calculated from those divisions that operate primarily in the industry.
Sectors involved with aircraft, aero-engines, avionics, missiles, space and aerostructures are largely unproblematic, but telecommunications, systems and some overhaul operations are included only where these are included within a division largely concerned with aerospace activities. Satellite services have been excluded wherever possible, as have companies and divisions that derive more than 50% of their sales from services such as aircraft leasing.
Where acquisitions were made within the accounting period,pro-forma accounts have been used for the 12-month consolidated performance. Joint ventures have been included in revenue and profit financials. Inter-segment sales have been excluded from operating results and profits for divisions wherever possible. However, when not possible, divisional results have been presented inclusive of inter-division sales, resulting inaerospace related sales greater than group sales.
EXCHANGERATES: An average exchange rate for the period 01.01.01 to 31.12.02 has been used for all non-US companies, regardless of fiscal year definition. The following exchange rates (local to $1) have been used: g1.117, SKr10.334, £0.694, ´121.556 C$1.549, S$1.792, SFr1.687, rupees47.227, rand8.6155, Real2.379, NKr8.987.
The percentage changes are given in local currency terms to avoid unnecessary distortions.
COUNTRY: All companies have been listed by country of headquarters, independent of production or operating territories.
OPERATING RESULTS: Generally taken as the profit (or loss) before interest, tax and exceptional items, and after depreciation. The measure gives a guide to a business's operational health. Discontinued or discontinuing operations are included where they fall in fiscal 2001 for that business. Where divisional operating results have not been disclosed, sale value as a percentage of total group sales multiplied by the total operating profit has been calculated.
Where total group sales or total group operating profit has not been identified, previous years figures are assumed. Capital employed has been defined as total assets, net of depreciation, minus current liabilities and currentproportion of long-term debt. Current is defined as falling due within one year.
CAPITAL EXPENDITURE: (CAPEX) The level of expenditure on capital items is given, to show whether a company is maintaining investment in its business; net CAPEX figure is included where available.
PERSONNEL and SALES perEMPLOYEE: Total workforce figures are given, to show the effect of workforce reductions. Sales per employee can vary greatly between different business sectors and the group figures may therefore be coloured by non-aerospace activities (eg General Electric in financial services).
Source: Flight International