LanShe Aerospace has received its production certificate for the Lake family of single-piston amphibious aircraft that are being produced alongside Micco SP-series light aircraft at Fort Pierce, Florida.
The first Lake 250 produced by LanShe, a SeaWolf special-mission variant, has been purchased by the US Department of Interior for donation to Ecuador, which will use the aircraft for maritime patrol in the Galapagos islands.
LanShe says it has sold its second Lake, a fully equipped turbocharged SeaFury for delivery in December, and plans to build one aircraft a month in 2004. LanShe acquired the assets of Lake Aircraft last year, followed early this year by the purchase of the Micco Aircraft SP20/26 line. The company is already certificated to produce the aerobatic SP26.
In July, LanShe introduced the $449,000 entry-level Renegade 2 version of the Lake 250, and deliveries are due to begin in March 2004.
Source: Flight International