The US Army has chosen qualified bidders for simulation contracts expected to be worth up to $4 billion over eight years.
The Simulation, Training and Instrumentation Command Omnibus Contract (STOC) is intended to reduce lead times and costs for individual procurements, and speed the fielding of emerging training technology.
The STOC covers four domains: live, virtual, constructive and test instrumentation. In each business area, several large and small companies have been pre-qualified to bid. The first STOC awards are expected in September.
The US Army, meanwhile, has exercised a $10.8 million option with L-3 Communications for a second suite of Aviation Combined Arms Tactical Trainer - Aviation Reconfigurable Manned Simulators (AVCATT-A). This is a group of networked trainers able to simulate a range of army aircraft, using a helmet-mounted display to project both cockpit instrumentation and out-the-window visuals.
The AVCATT-A is produced by L-3's Link Simulation & Training division, which has also received an $8.9 million contract to build two partial aircrew co-ordination trainers (PACTs), and to upgrade an in-service device for the US Navy's Lockheed P-3C Anti-surface War-fare Improvement Programme. The PACT is used to teach mission crew co-ordination skills.
Source: Flight International