The US Regional Airlines Association Annual Convention is now due to be held on 12-14 May, at Reno, Nevada, rather than on 6-8 May, as listed in the Flight International Aerospace Trade Show Calendar (27 November-3 December).
The details for Aerospace India 96 were inadvertently published as being those for a 1997 event. Flight International has, as yet, no details of the next Aero India show.
Applied Technology Institute: Mobile Communications Satellites: The latest Advances 12-13 December, Sunnyvale, California, USA. Contact: ATI, PO Box 616, Clarksville, Maryland 21029; tel: +1 (410) 531 6034; fax: +1 (410) 531 1013.
Aero Club of Washington: Wright Memorial Dinner 13 December, Washington DC, USA. Contact: Aero Club of Washington, PO Box 17295, Dulles Int'l Airport, Washington DC 20041; tel (int'l): +1 (703) 327 7082; (USA) 800 322 3761.
National Aeronautic Association: Wright Brothers Dinner 13 December, Washington DC, USA. Contact: Jill Baucom, NAA 700, 1815 N Ft Myer Dr, Arlington, Virginia 22209, USA; tel: +1 (703) 527 0226; fax: +1 (703) 527 0229.
Association of Old Crows Conference 16-17 December, Washington DC. Contact: AOC Convention Dept, 1000 N Payne Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314; tel: +1 (703) 549 1600; fax: +1 (703) 549 2589.
The 2nd Indian Subcontinent Aircraft Technology and Maintenance Conference 15-16 January, New Delhi, India. Contact: Aviation Industry Conferences, 31 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HW, UK; tel: +44 (171) 931 7072; fax: +44 (171) 931 7186.
Aircraft Operators' Certification Management Workshop 15-17 January, Singapore. Contact: Chan Pin Pin, Assistant Manager (International Relations) Singapore Aviation Academy, 1 Aviation Drive, Singapore 499867; tel: +65 5430433; fax: +65 5429890.
Wavionix Air Navigation Training Course 16-24 January, Zurich Airport Conference center; tel: +41 (21) 641 1313; fax +41 (21) 641 1320.
Source: Flight International