Sarah Lazenby

A S$36 million ($22 million) jet-engine airfoil repair centre has opened in Singapore to target the Asian market.

The centre, owned by Airfoil Technologies International (ATI), is expected to refurbish more than a million compressor airfoils a year and hopes to gain a large slice of the repair and overhaul business in Asia Pacific.


Lim Swee Say, MP and deputy chairman of the Government Parliamentary Committee for finance, trade and industry, performed the opening ceremony yesterday at the site, to be known as Airfoil Technologies Singapore (ATS).

Lim says ATS would go a long way to strengthen Singapore's competitiveness as a one-stop aerospace repair and overhaul hub for the whole of Asia-Pacific.

Jimmy Tan, ATS managing director, says up to $15 million will be invested in ATS over the next five to 10 years with ATI predicting a $37-million turnover for Singapore during 1998.

He adds the new centre "-more than fulfils all the necessary prerequisites for a modern operation to service the growing aviation market.

"It underscores our commitment to our long-term perspective of developing close partnerships with our valued customers and the importance we attribute to Asia and the region."

Source: Flight Daily News
