Two new airline ventures are planned in the Arabian Gulf, one based in the UAE and one in Qatar.

Qatar's Gulf Falcon Group plans to use Dubai 2000 as the launchpad for its as-yet-unnamed airline. Group chairman Sheikh Hamad Al Thani says the airline, one of a number of aviation projects planned by the company, "will operate both cargo and passenger flights based on ACMI lease to operate on behalf of other airlines which require additional capacity."


Gulf Falcon plans to operate two Airbus A300B4-200 freighters.

Sheikh Hamad says another project is an aircraft leasing company.

In the UAE, a fledgling air taxi service which is reported to have guaranteed seat sales from both Emirates and Gulf Air is planned.

Eyas Air Services expected to complete arrangements at the show for the purchase of two float-equipped Cessna Caravans which it will operate on a schedule service initially between Dubai and Abu Dhabi.

Source: Flight Daily News