The world's first semi-rigid cargo barrier is being developed by UK cargo restraint provider Bridgport Aviation in co-operation with freight aircraft manufacturers.
The barrier uses a net within a solid frame constructed from either aluminium or composites and is attached to fuselage stringers by shear ties. The net is made of polymer fibres that have had liquid crystals added to them. Capable of withstanding 9g, the net will distend to a maximum of 380mm (15in).
The liquid crystals keep the fibre's molecules aligned in the same direction, which limits distension.
Parts of the net have quick-release attachments that turn a section of the net into a door to enable crew to pass through. A smoke-proof curtain can also be attached to the frame. The net and frame combined are one-third of the weight of a 9g-capable aircraft bulkhead, says Bridgport.
Head of technical sales Paul Goodman says: "We are working with a number of aircraft builders. The designs are specific to their aircraft. We can't name the companies, but we will in due course."
Source: Flight International