German start-up manufacturer High Performance Aircraft (HPA) says it must start test flights within four weeks or risk delaying them until next year.

HPA had planned test flights of its six-seat TT62 Alekto twin pusher in June, but blames "paperwork" for the delay. It says it took longer than expected to complete the administration, but it now has provisional approval from the German airworthiness authority LBA, and will start testing within the next month.

"It will definitely be in October, as by November the weather gets bad here and we could lose the chance to fly until next year," says the company.

The Thielert Aircraft Engines 310hp (228kW) Centurion 4 turbocharged diesel V8 engines have been approved and installed on the business aircraft as well as all the systems. "The machine has been ready to go since June, but we have had to meet all the demands of the LBA," HPA adds.

June's first flight schedule was already a revision of a previous January date, and was delayed because of the death of the company's founder.


Source: Flight International