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Flight 01.6.1956

50 years ago

Dragon Hunt

In a quest for a squadron mascot, No. 234 Sqn., based at R.A.F. Geilenkirchen, Germany, is looking for a tame dragon of the type represented in the squadron badge. They would settle for an iguana.

Wrong Airport

A B.O.A.C. Stratocruiser en route from London to New York on May 19 inadvertently landed at Stretton instead of a Burtonwood. The captain took off again immediately.

Balloon Action

The Czechoslovak Government has asked I.C.A.O. to stop “unlawful balloon action.” It complains that Western propaganda balloons are still being sent over its country.


First flight of the second Martin XP6M-1 SeaMaster took place from Chesapeake Bay at the end of last month. It lasted 85 minutes; the pilot was George Rodney, chief of experimental flight testing. The first XP6M crashed on December 7 last; details of the causes have not been announced, but it is understood that they have been traced.

Luftwaffe Visit

Due in Britain last Tuesday for an eight-day visit, during which they are to fly Hawker Hunters, were three highly decorated officers of the old Luftwaffe, who now hold prominent positions in the new West German Ministry of Defence. They are Col. Johannes Stienhoff, war-time leader of the Me262 fighter wing, and now responsible for fighter planning, operations planning and choice of equipment; Col. Kurt Kuhlmey, former fighter-bomber commander with 540 operational sorties, now in charge of fighter-bomber planning; and Col. Hrabak, a former Me109 squadron commander, till recently in charge of personnel recruitment. After their visit to Britain they plan to go to France to fly the Mystère.


Source: Flight International