David Kaminski-Morrow, Toulouse (16Jan08, 13:55 GMT, 124 words)

Airbus is expecting to deliver over 470 aircraft this year, at least 17 more than in 2007.

But it is not expecting to repeat the order figures seen last year. The company today announced net orders of 1,341 aircraft for 2007.

Speaking at an event in Toulouse today, Airbus chief Tom Enders said: "We expect demand to continue to be strong but not on the level of 2007."

He said A320-family production would reach 34 per month and A330/340 production would be eight per month. Airbus is expecting to produce the A380 at the rate of one per month.

At the end of December 2007 Airbus had a backlog of 3,421 aircraft, about six years' worth of production, the highest backlog in its history.

Source: flightglobal.com's sister premium news site Air Transport Intelligence news

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Source: FlightGlobal.com