Italian rail industry firm Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane Group believes the conditions necessary to form a consortium to take over Alitalia have yet to materialise.

Italian rail industry firm Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane Group believes the conditions necessary to form a consortium to take over Alitalia have yet to materialise.

FS Italiane says it has examined the positions expressed by potential consortium partners, including Lufthansa and Delta Air Lines, ahead of a 21 November deadline set by the Alitalia commissioners.

Communications with prospective partners have contained “positive elements”, says FS Italiane, but the conditions to form the consortium have “not yet matured”.

While Delta has been willing to participate in the equity of a new company to acquire Alitalia, it adds, Lufthansa has not indicated similar intentions to be an “immediate” equity partner.

FS Italiane also notes Rome airport shareholder Atlantia’s similar assessment, disclosed on 19 November, that its own requirements for participation in the consortium had not been met.