Hamburg-based VIP completions specialist Lufthansa Technik announced here this morning (19 May) that it had secured letters of commitment for its first Boeing 787 project and its second Boeing 747-8. LHT is the second completion centre to unveil a 787 deal – the first was secured last year by Switzerland’s Jet Aviation Basel, which has since added another two airframes to its tally.

The German company is currently planning for widebody completions out to 2018 and beyond: “We’re negotiating with a number of prospective customers,” says Walter Heerdt, senior VP for marketing and sales. Apart from the Boeings, widebody work now committed comprises two Airbus A330s and two A340s for the German Government, and a pair of A330s for another government over the next few years.

“We’re expanding our completions capacity to meet this strong demand,” says Heerdt. “Among other things, we’re setting up another widebody line in Hamburg.” To date Lufthansa Technik has carried 15 Boeing 747 completions and major modifications, and more than 30 widebody projects in all.

Narrowbodies to be completed between now and 2012 comprise eight Airbus A318 Elites, three Airbus Corporate Jets (ACJs) and three Boeing BBJs for private and government customers. “The A318 Elite programme, offering a standardised VIP cabin in 14- or 18-passenger configuration, is a great success for both us and Airbus,” says Heerdt. “We have delivered three so far and are working on another two. A further six are contracted and we’re in negotiations for several more.”

He continues: “Our narrowbody lines are heavily loaded until 2012 and we’re optimistic that this level of activity will continue beyond that date.”

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Source: Flight Daily News