Sir - The editorial "Regulatory fatigue" (Flight International, 1-7 November) was a welcome shaft of common sense in the dreary saga of the move towards European Joint Airworthiness Authorities (JAA) regulations on flight-time limitations and the proposed changes in the USA and Canada.
No-one should underestimate the difficulties of establishing a "level playing-field", but the right one must be found, to help promote the equal competition among European airlines envisaged by the Comit, de Sages.
It is sad that "...the JAA has not taken into account any new medical or human-factors research before writing a final draft for its regulations".
If not too late, the JAA should think again in conjunction with the US Federal Aviation Administration and in the light of the joint position of the International Federation of Airline Pilots Associations, the European Cockpit Association and the International Federation of Engineer Officers, whose paper the Guild of Air Pilots and Air Navigators believes to be a good basis for agreement.
Immediate Past Master
Guild of Air Pilots and Air Navigators
London, UK
Source: Flight International