How well do you know your low-cost carriers? Put your knowledge to the test with the cryptic picture quiz in our interactive low-cost carrier issue of Airline Business.

We've hidden the names of 18 low-cost carriers from over the last decade - some still flying today, other names long since gone - in 18 different pictures. All you have to do is work out what the airline is.

 Traffic light (200)
For example, which European low-cost carrier is depicted by the traffic light photo opposite?

Or which current low-fares operator could be signified by this image of a pair of military aircraft below?

To make it easier, we have given you three options to choose from. And if you still need help, click to unveil a clue. Just pick your answer and see if you can get all 18 right.

two jets (200) 
To take part, click here to go directly to the quiz.You can also read profiles of the ten largest no-frills and hybrid carriers by revenues and take a flight onboard our specical low-cost carrier timeline aircraft to trace the evolution of this dynamic part of the sector. Open the full interactive edition here.

Source: Airline Business