New dawn at Air Mauritius
Executive search firm Spencer Stuart is working with Air Mauritius to select an entirely new management team.
The carrier is re-structuring and modernising its upper echelons to create five chief executive posts directly reporting to managing director Vinod Chidambaram. The positions being filled by Spencer Stuart, following advertisements in the local and international press, will be: marketing, operations, finance, business support, administration and human resources.
The move is designed to give the management team a new independent and more transparent face as it seeks to expand. Its latest move is to establish a base at Malaysia's Kuala Lumpur International Airport.
One of the challenges for the new team will be to align Air Mauritius with a global alliance. The carrier is waiting for a proposal from SkyTeam under which it could become a "second-tier" or "affiliate" member of the multilateral airline grouping, a move that was delayed following the 11 September US terrorist attacks.
Mark Pilling London
Source: Airline Business