* Boeing has received a $6.8 million US Air Force contract to integrate its Small Diameter Bomb on the Lockheed Martin F/A-22 under the Spiral 3A Phase A+ upgrade.
* Fidelity Flight Simulation is to provide a full-motion flight-training device for the Royal New Zealand Air Force's upgraded Lockheed Martin P-3, under contract to L-3 Integrated Systems.
* L-3 Wescam could supply more than 70 MX-15 electro-optical/infrared systems for installation on Lockheed Martin P-3Cs under a US Navy contact.
* Boeing will produce 5,053 combat survivor evader locator radios under a US Air Force full-rate production contract worth $43.6 million. US armed forces require up to 46,000 of the hand-held radios.
Source: Flight International