Honeywell’s Rob Gillette says that Paris will be the first air show he’s attended that he knows he will enjoy.

Previously, the Honeywell president and CEO says customers at shows were all too ready to tell him what was wrong with his company. But that’s all changing.
“It will be fun as our customers recognise the efforts we’ve made to improve our service,” he says. “We have the entire group now working for Adrian Paull, VP for customer and product support, and we are trying hard to service our customers better than ever.

“We have spent more than $10m on IT systems over the last 10 years to allow our people to do their jobs more favourably.

“We can now track down parts wherever they are in the world from one system and there has been an awful lot of activity to cut through red tape.”

Gillette is also proud that Honeywell’s customers now have only one phone number to remember – they got rid of 269 others.

Paull and his team have been working to sharpen up the way the company responds to customer enquiries, developing a combination of web and phone solutions and an intelligent call routing system which will go live in July.


“We’re getting positive customer reinforcement on all the initiatives we are introducing and really want to lead the industry on the service side,” Gillette says.
But how is business generally? “We’re up more than we originally planned across all three business segments. All in all, it is doing really well.

“General aviation is up a lot and our defence and space business is doing better than we thought. The defence sector is the one that we are trying to figure out where it is heading as we go towards an election,” Gillette says.

Honeywell recently strengthened its defence logistics business by buying Dimension International. Gillette says that this was a good fit.

“Honeywell currently handles about 60% of the Marine Corps’ logistical work, including fuel, equipment and maintenance. Dimension was in the same kind of business but with the US Army, which is five times larger than the Marine Corps.  “The acquisition puts us in a strong position for the future,” Gillette concludes.

Source: Flight Daily News