Vomit comet? Rex Stocks: "I say Rollo...here's a good story idea for you. How do you fancy taking a ride on G-Force One?" Rollo Freelunch: "G-Force what?" Rex: "G-Force One...a modified 727-200 which provides a unique 'zero-g' experience for a reasonable price." Rollo: "Ummmm...how'd they do that then?" Rex: "Says here you pull up into a 45° nose-high climb at 24,000ft, pulling 1.8g in the process. You get to around 32,000ft and push over to get around 25s of weightlessness before diving back down in a 30° nose dive. You get to do a 'bunt' 15 times! What d'ya think?" Rollo: "Do they do lunch?"
Vive la difference Budgie News: "Is it true the flight test programme for the new Hairbrush Jumbo triple-quad decker is running a trifle late?" Insider: "What do you expect...marrying a jointly developed BigFans and Wonderfans engine for a brand new European Hairbrush to a very American Megaplanes 747 ...and the whole thing's being organised by the French who think the best way to kick off a team meeting is to have a huge argument? Ahhhhh...international programmes...what joy!"
Crash test dummy? Test pilot for an automatic collision avoidance system reveals all: "When I heard about this job I had two big questions: "1. How do you test a system that involves crashing two aircraft together? "2. How do you test a system that takes control away from you?"
Test pilot Yuckspeak (series of 2,000,000) Post lunch deep stall = nap
Rotary superiority complex (At briefing about to be given by V-22 team) "...and for those of you who can only handle four degrees of freedom at once, there's lots of pictures."
'Say Heading' part two Martin Leeuwis, author of "Mike Lima Papa Say Heading" reviewed in S&L two weeks ago (14-20 September), wishes to point out that due to the changing price of the euro, any reader wishing to order should check out the website for the update to info: www.humor.aero
Source: Flight International