Jungle Paratroop Action
Recently 30 men of the 22nd Special Air Service Regiment, wearing special protective clothing, parachuted into the jungle in Central Johore, Malaya, in an attack on the headquarters of the "3rd Regiment of the Malayan Races Liberation Army". The operation began with an attack by medium bombers and cannon attacks by Hornets. The paratroops carried ropes to let themselves down from the tree-tops, but on arrival at the enemy camp it was found to be deserted. This is the third time that paratroops have been used in Malaya.
Johannesburg Airport
As illustrated in the previous issue of Flight, Johannesburg's new Jan Smuts Airport is now taking shape; the terminal block and control tower are practically finished, and a South African correspondent reports that the airfield could be in commission by June. For some time, he adds, the airfield has been used as a take-off base for Comets and occasional Pan American aircraft. The passengers come from Palmietfontein in "sealed buses" as there are no Customs facilities at Jan Smuts. Now the headquarters of South African Airways will be moved there from Germiston. Two of the biggest hangars at Palmietfontein have been dismantled and put up again at Jan Smuts. The main runway of the new airport is 10,500ft long.
First-hand History
The story of the Korean campaign, with special emphasis on the role of air power, was related during January at various air bases of the NATO Powers in France and Germany by Mr. William Courtenay, O.B.E., M.M., at the invitation of General Lauris Norstad, the commander of Allied Air Forces Central Europe. The lectures were illustrated by Mr Courtenay's own colour films.
R.A.F Scholarships
Four studentships - three for boys and one for a girl - became vacant in September at Christ's Hospital under the terms of the R.A.F. Foundationers Trust, set up in 1952 with £10,000 donated by Mr. B. N. Wallis C.B.E., F.R.S. (he had received it in recognition of his invention of the weapon used by No. 617 Squadron in 1943 to breach the Möhne and Eder Dams) and a further £10,000 donated by the R.A.F. Benevolent Fund.
Source: Flight International