Flight International online news 11:00GMT: Around 700 job losses have been announced at the three biggest airports operated by BAA as part of plans to save £45 million a year.

The company said back office and management roles would be removed at Heathrow, Gatwick and Stansted but emphasised there would be no cuts in frontline security staff.

BAA refused to rule out compulsory redundancies and said the job losses were vital to counter a string of threats to its business including passengers spending less in its shops, airports becoming more crowded, staff morale deteriorating and an inability to eliminate out-dated working practices before the new Terminal 5 opens at Heathrow.

A spokesman said: "Of course, we will look to redeploy staff where there is a reasonable prospect of doing so.

"But it will quickly be apparent where this will not be possible, and those who cannot be placed will have to leave."


Source: Flight International