THE RANKING of Top 100 world aerospace companies has been compiled by Booz-Allen & Hamilton, the international consultancy, in conjunction with Flight International. Inevitably, some companies which would have appeared among the Top 100 have been omitted for lack of sufficient data. Some of these have been listed separately under the "Odds & Ends" table. Financial reporting varies widely between different countries and companies, which means that caution should be taken in making direct comparisons between the figures.
COMPANY/DIVISIONS: The top line of the financial figures refers to the result for the overall group, including non-aerospace business. The divisional figures are for those businesses which are fully or largely concerned with aerospace manufacturing, excluding pure parts distribution or maintenance units.
AEROSPACE SALES/SALES: Groups are ranked by their aerospace sales for 1995 translated into US dollars at average annual exchange rates. Percentage changes are in local-currency terms to avoid the exchange rate distortions.
OPERATING RESULTS: The operating profit/loss gives a guide to the basic health of a business. It has been calculated, as the return before interest, tax and exceptional items, such as restructuring charges. All figures are translated at 1995 average annual exchange rates to allow a true comparison between years.
PERSONNEL/SALES PER EMPLOYEE: Work-force data are given as a guide to productivity, although different types of business (eg services as opposed to engineering) inevitably have significantly different levels employment rates.
Source: Flight International