Airbus has claimed a resounding victory over Boeing in the latest ruling from the World Trade Organisation on a pair of disputes which have each side alleging that their respective governments are funneling illegal subsidies to their airframers.
Among Airbus's claims are that the WTO ruling shows that Boeing would not have been able to launch the 787 without illegal subsidies, and that illegal research and development cash support from NASA, the US Department of Defense and US taxpayers has cost Airbus at least $45 billion in lost sales.
This round of the transatlantic dispute, which dates to 2004, comes six months after a ruling on the US complaint had Boeing declaring that some $20 billion of European launch aid subsidies to the Airbus A380 had been deemed "illegal and damaging".
Details of the WTO's rulings remain confidential to the two sides - technically the European Union and the United States government. Rulings in the US case versus Europe, DS316, are under appeal by both sides and thus still under wraps. The final ruling on Europe's case versus the United States, DS353, could in principle be made public in several weeks following translation, though a round of appeals is all but certain.