The rapidly increasing use of helicopters in the fight against crime is paying rich dividends for MD Helicopters (MDHI). The Dutch-owned manufacturer says 46% of its first-year deliveries were to law enforcement agencies and that it has captured more than 25% of the US single-engine market for this type of mission.
The UK is already a customer. Police Aviation Services operates five twin-engine MD Explorers, with additional European deliveries including a third Explorer for the Belgian Gendarmerie and three more to police in Hanover, Germany.
"We believe our products are a perfect fit for the law enforcement mission," says Henk Schaeken, chairman and CEO of MDHI. Schaeken also believes that the NOTAR (no tail rotor) anti-torque system, which brings significant noise reduction, gives his machines the edge in what is a highly competitive marketplace.
Domestic US deliveries in 2000 include one MD 530F and one MD 500E to San Diego County Sheriff's Department, a fifth MD 500E to police in Columbus, Ohio and additional sales of both models to unnamed customers.
Source: Flight Daily News