Business aviation corporate flight handler Air Routing International has received the first landing permit and slot issued by the China Civil Aviation Authority for one of its customers attending the 2008 Beijing Olympics.
“Ten years ago we only had 30 flights to Beijing,” says George Wang, general manager China. “We opened up the China market for the US, becoming the first to provide handing service in China. Last year we had more than 300 flights.”
To help with the Olympic surge ARI has added another ground handler to its current five-member Beijing staff. The company also regularly works with ground handling security consultants around the region, including the ASA Group, which has just been selected by Forbes Traveller to sit on its panel of travel experts in southeast Asia.
ARI also report its strong growing presence in Russia as it provides and maintains the high standards in flight handling support services in the market.
Alex Pashkov, ARI’s general representative for Moscow, says: “We now handle more than 300 flights per year into Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States, and that number is rapidly increasing.”
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Source: Flight Daily News