Liebig says: “This satellite is an important element of GMES and will enable Europe to constantly observe environmental changes. Astrium has an outstanding track record in developing and building Earth observation satellites, including ERS, Metop, Champ and TerraSAR-X.”
GMES is an ESA and the European Commission initiative that aims to set up a permanent European network for the recording and analysis of environmental and security relevant data.The satellite’s multi-spectral instrument (MSI) will generate optical images in 13 spectral channels in the visible and short-wave infrared range down to a resolution of 10m with an image width of 290km. This will enable Sentinel-2 to observe natural disasters such as floods, volcanic eruptions, subsidence and landslides.Astrium in Friedrichshafen is responsible for the satellite’s system design and platform, as well as for satellite integration and testing.
Astrium Toulouse will supply the multi-spectral imaging instrument (MSI), and Astrium Spain will be in charge of the satellite’s structure and will produce its thermal equipment and cable harness.The industrial core team also comprises Jena Optronik (Germany), Boostec (France), Sener and GMV (Spain).
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Source: Flight Daily News