THE FIRST STUDENTS for the proposed NATO Flying Training in Canada (NFTC) programme could be enrolled in 1999, if commitments for 60-70 places are received "within the next nine to ten months", according to Brig Gen Ed McGillivray, chief of staff personnel and training, the Canadian Air Force.
The NFTC programme is being proposed to address a projected shortfall in pilot-training places among NATO member states between 2000 and 2020. NATO requested proposals for a long-term solution, after studies showed a potential shortfall of around 365 training places a year.
The NFCT would cover basic training and fighter lead-in training, and involve the purchase of more than 30 Embraer EMB-312H Super Tucano turboprops, as well as 26-28 British Aerospace Hawk 100so
Source: Flight International