It's a sad fact that airports around the globe have to spend huge sums of money to protect passengers from terrorism.
And where that threat concerns luggage, travellers have become used to seeing their baggage disappear into the innards of an x-ray machine so that the operator can see whether the contents are a threat.
They're particularly looking for weapons and explosives - and British company Rapiscan (Hall B785) has some of the familiar-looking equipment on display.
As it's also in use at Dubai Airport, your baggage will have been 'Rapiscanned' when you arrived.
However, as the company's Ian Armitage explains, new developments are always being introduced, to keep one step ahead of the troublemakers.
"One of the problems with the equipment has been operator fatigue and familiarity," he says.
"It's pretty boring, just sitting there watching a screen all day, so we've introduced what we call 'remote image testing' whereby the supervisor can suddenly superimpose the x-ray image of a 'problem bag' onto any operator's screen.
"This tends to keep everyone on their toes."
Another innovation is a built-in computer programme which compares the x-ray characteristics of various different organic explosives and then highlights these on-screen to alert the operator.
"And in case you think that it's only airports that have problems, our equipment was used at a recent trade fair in Russia and it discovered six hand-guns in the first hour."
Other users include banks, postrooms and embassiesÉ in fact anywhere where people carry bags and there's a potential threat.
Source: Flight Daily News