Lockheed Martin's Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) team announced the selection of Smiths Industries Aerospace as the supplier of JSF Tactical Data Equipment (TDE). The JSF Tactical Data Equipment is based on commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) products and technologies developed in the areas of solid-state flight data/voice/video recorders and portable mass memory systems. This system will be designed and developed at the company's plant in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Smiths Industries has more than 10,000 recording, monitoring and data transfer systems installed with more than 75 applications on both civil and military aircraft. With this TDE program win, Smiths Industries will have four major sub-systems on the Lockheed Martin JSF. The Smiths Industries divisions in the United States and the United Kingdom will work with Lockheed Martin JSF Integrated Product Teams. "The systems designs will leverage current Smiths COTS leading edge core technologies proven on the F-22 and other major military aircraft programs to provide a total system solution that meets demanding affordability and supportability challenges required of the JSF Program," says Heather Cox, Communications Executive, at Smiths.
Source: Flight Daily News