Four engines are cheaper than two, claims Robert Nuttall, Rolls-Royce vice-president, marketing Trent 500 series.

From the Trent stable - the world's "most successful family of engines" - the -500 is a low risk option, says Nuttall. "In an environment where airlines are suffering, low risk products is what they want.

"Our family concept of engines reduces risk again and again. We take what has been developed for one engine and which is effective and we put it in the next engine. And four engines are cheaper than two."


Nuttall points to a "basket" of economic, technical and support issues to support his argument. It begins with the ability to build on the pedigree of the family, the benefits of three-shaft technology and the economic delivery of thrust.

"If you put in all the costs, then these costs are less than two GE90s operating at 115,000lb (510kN). The Trent 500s fly further, climb to a higher initial altitude, operate at lower temperatures and lift more at higher ambient temperatures."

With less oil consumption and less wear on brakes, Nuttall says four Trent 500s worked out overall at 25% cheaper than two GE90s.

Source: Flight Daily News
