Airbus has invited aircraft seat suppliers and in-flight entertainment (IFE) specialists to work with the European airframer to develop three new seat prototype approaches for inclusion in a ground-based demonstrator that will serve as a platform for innovation.
The company is seeking input on an "ultra-light seat" module that will offer only essential functionality. It should be "very low-end, pure and light", totally wireless and with no IFE, says Airbus.
A second protype, dubbed "efficient", should be light, "wired and robust", and offer one solution for in-flight entertainment.
The third prototype approach identified by Airbus is for a "Flex seat", a light, flexible seat that takes advantage of the wireless revolution for a second IFE solution.
"We are currently looking for partners and then [we'd] like to develop these concepts together and have a demonstrator around 2012," says Airbus.
Participating in the demonstrator would be "win/win" for Airbus and suppliers, says Airbus, as the airframer "provides system integration competence and a marketing platform", while suppliers provide the technology solutions.
Source: Flight Daily News