Component manufacturer Parker Aerospace is seeking opportunities to collaborate with other companies to boost its Middle East presence.

Speaking to FlightGlobal at the Dubai air show, director of business development Greg Norris said the Middle East and Asia-Pacific were "key regions" for Parker's future growth.

Collaboration, he says, is part of Parker's growth strategy, and the manufacturer is looking to target Middle Eastern carriers with MRO support. The overall contribution to Parker's business from the region "could be better", Norris acknowledges.

He adds that the model of co-operating with others has served the company well, citing the expansion in its Asia-Pacific presence from the ACE Services joint venture unit with SIA Engineering in Singapore for hydraulics repair, as well as Parker FACRI Actuation Systems, a Chinese JV with AVIC's Flight Automatic Control Research Institute (FACRI).

Parker FACRI provides engineering support plus final assembly and testing for aircraft flight control actuation system components for the Comac ARJ21, C919 and MA700.

One challenge Parker faces is that the Middle East is only "slowly warming up to aggregators", Norris admits.

Nonetheless, the growing Middle Eastern aircraft fleet gives him confidence of Parker's future success in the region

Parker produces a range of aerospace components, including valves, pumps, wheels and brakes, and fuel nozzles.

Source: Cirium Dashboard