Out of this nettle...

When the splendid symbol of peace and progress, which is Britain's Comet, is repeatedly struck from the sky in circumstances of mystery and horror (and no one can cavil from at the words), the shock sweeps fast around the world. Thus the grievous blows dealt over India and the Mediterranean have been felt not by our own country and Commonwealth alone but by the whole of civilisation; and civilisation being founded on human values as well as on the achievements of science, messages of understanding have come from many nations. Especially we would mention America, where, a de Havilland representative reports, he found "a sense of extreme sympathy and the conviction that the troubles will be overcome"; and France whose Civil Aviation Minister has affirmed, "The career of the Comet is not ended. The British effort is not broken, but only slowed down."

A handy naval weapon

Chance Vought Cutlass F7U-3 tailless deck-landing fighters will soon be operating with the U.S. Fleet, according to a makers' announcement. The F7U-3 is powered with two Westinghouse J46 turbojets, delivering, with afterburners, a total thrust of nearly 12,000 lb. Supersonic speed was attained in dives during development flying and pilots reported very good handling characteristics throughout the sonic range. Rate of climb is quoted as more than 13,000ft/min and combat ceiling as over 45,000ft.

Canadair deliveries

A record number of jet aircraft was accepted by the Royal Canadian Air Force from Canadair, Ltd., during March. The total was 146, practically enough (the makers point out) to re-equip all the Canadian squadrons flying with the NATO forces in England and Europe. The break-down is: 64 North American F-86 jet fighters, 73 Lockheed T-33 jet trainers, and nine overhauls.

Source: Flight International