Certification is expected to be completed this summer for Cat3 operation of Marconi Avionics' Visual Guidance System (VGS) on board a Boeing 737-800.
This programme is directly linked to the award of a contract for up to 500 Visual Guidance Systems planned for American Airlines new-build Boeing 737-800 fleet that is due to enter service in 1999.
The VGS certification programme began with the lease of a 737-200 aircraft that was primarily used to conduct engineering evaluations and undertake systems integration with a view to managing any outstanding risk for trials on the 737-800 programme once an aircraft became available.
The future market for VGS extends across all commercial air transport platforms.
Marconi Avionics has already established a significant position in this market with a solution based on a technical background in displays (HUD) that covers more than 11,000 systems fitted to more than 50 different types of aircraft.
Source: Flight Daily News