Alaska Airline's cost per ASM dropped 5.5% from 1994 to 7.5 cents. But load factors were down 1.3 points on 1994 and yield decreased 1.7%.

ANA's cost cutting showed benefits as expenses rose only 5%. International traffic rose 28.1% due to the strong yen.

America West's load factors increased 2 points to 71.4%, and passenger yields rose 5.9% to 7.67 cents per ASM.

Hurricanes cost AMR $13m in lost revenue, with the airline division reporting pre-tax earnings of $260m with a pretax margin of 6.4%.

China Airlines load factor of 78% matched the 1994 year average.

Continental held $603m in cash at the end of its most successful quarter. Results include $5m for a fee paid for Air Canada's warrants.

Delta's load factor fell 2.3 points to 68.2%, but unit operating costs fell 6% to 8.4 cents per ASM.

Outbound tourism boosted international passenger traffic 10.7%, while the domestic market showed a 12.3% growth in passengers. Despite high costs at Kansai, costs increased only 5.5%.

Northwest's load factor increase of 3.5 points to 76.7% forced cargo tonne mileage to drop 5.9%. Revenue per ASM was up 8.0% to 10.31 cents.

Singapore Airlines' subsidiaries improved their operating profit 26.7% to $20m due partly to the lessening of the losses incurred by SilkAir.

United's cost per ASM rose only 0.02 cents despite 6,000 new employees and a 30.3% rise in airport costs due to the new Denver airport.

USAir's operating revenues rose 7%, while operating expenses fell 7%, due to a 9.1% capacity cut. Personnel costs fell 1.5%.

H = Half year. Q = Quarter. Currencies are converted into US dollars at average exchange rates during the reporting period. Per cent changes in local currencies.

Source: Airline Business