Troubled UK tour operator MyTravel Group will withdraw all its Boeing aircraft from service, with the loss of up to 540 jobs, in a bid to reduce costs.

The five Boeing 757-200s and three 767-300ERs account for a third of MyTravel's fleet. The airline is also disposing of its sole McDonnell Douglas DC-10-30.

The airline says it has "too much capacity", as it has struggled to adjust its fleet to match demand. Up to 118 pilots, 372 cabin crew members and 50 other staff could lose their jobs.

The company has entered a 90-day consultation period with unions and it will not specify details of the cuts until this period has expired. MyTravel will be left with with an all-Airbus fleet which, it says, will generate additional benefits. It operates A320/A321s and A330-200s.


Source: Flight International