Swiss aerospace firm Ruag is working on opportunities to sell its Do228NG aircraft in Malaysia, as it also increases its MRO presence in the country.

The company is in discussions with two local operators to sell up to three Do288NGs for chartered passenger services to island resorts, says David Jones, Ruag’s general manager in Malaysia.

Initially the aircraft would only operate charter flights, but these could become scheduled services.

Another opportunity the company is hopeful for is a Malaysian requirement for maritime patrol aircraft.

The Do228NG has been down selected by an private operator that hopes to furnish the Malaysian government with a solution to perform several parapublic roles, including boder patrol, search and rescue, fisheries monitoring, and other missions related to the country’s exclusive economic zone.

The proposal is being reviewed at high levels in Malaysia’s government. If it comes to fruition, it would not only include fixed wing assets such as the Do228NG, but also rotorary wing assets.

Apart from the aircraft business, Ruag is building up its MRO capabiities, with a new facility at Kuala Lumpur’s Subang airport.

The company already does some module work related to the General Electric F404 engines that power Kuala Lumpur’s eight Boeing F/A-18D fighters. This work was Ruag’s initial foray into Malaysia, given its expertise with the F404 garnered through experience with Switzerland’s F-18 fleet.

The company is also building up its niche of providing MRO work on helicopter starter generators, and other key aircraft systems, such as external lighting.
