China Cargo Airlines has secured a deal with GE Commercial Aviation Services (GECAS) covering the lease of six Boeing 777-200LR freighters and it plans to get an additional four freighters of the same type from the manufacturer.

The Shanghai-based cargo airline has done a deal with GECAS for the lease of six 777-200LR freighters and the first will be delivered in December next year, says a China Cargo official in Shanghai who was on the airline’s aircraft selection committee.

By the end of 2013 the airline will have a total of 10 777-200LR freighters because “we also plan to get from Boeing four 777-200LR freighters”, says the official.

The 777-200LR freighters will eventually replace the carrier’s six Boeing MD-11Fs.

The official says  has sold its six MD-11Fs to GECAS and is leasing the aircraft back but in 2010 it plans to phase out three and in 2011 phase out the remainder.

The carrier today also has two Boeing 747-400ER freighters and three Airbus A300-600 freighters, according to Flight’s ACAS database.

China Cargo was established in 1998 and is a joint venture between China Eastern Airlines and China Ocean Shipping.

Source:'s sister premium news site Air Transport Intelligence news
