The tabular data have been collated mainly from information supplied by the manufacturers. Where no reply was received from the manufacturer, the previous year's entry is repeated, updated wherever possible from other sources

Normal empty weight includes equipment and unuseable fluids, but does not take account of crew and baggage (except where stated as "operating empty weight"). For aircraft types which have not yet been flown, or which have yet to be formally certificated, the figures are manufacturers' estimates.

Balanced field length (BFL) is the distance required for a fully laden aircraft to accelerate to take-off speed, reject the take-off and stop, should one engine fail at a critical point, in ISA sea-level conditions. This distance may be replaced by take-off distance to clear a 50ft obstacle in similar conditions.

IFR range is the US National Business Aircraft Association instrument-flight-rules range, with fuel for a 30min hold, at 5,000ft at an alternate after a 370km diversion following a missed approach.

Prices are those quoted by the manufacturers, usually ex-factory, may include only basic equipment and are generally in US dollars ($) throughout, except where a manufacturer has quoted in sterling (ú). Detailed quotations should be sought from manufacturers, which will supply addresses for local dealers.

General With the exceptions of speed quoted in knots (100kt = 185km/h); altitude quoted in feet (100ft = 30.5m); metric measurements are used as follows: range in km (1km = 0.54nm); weight in kg (1kg = 2.2lb); power in kW (1kW = 1.34hp or shp); thrust in kN (1kN = 225lb). * = approximate price

The data tables are intended as a guide only and should not be used for operational purposes or flight planning.

Source: Flight International