All Civil UAVs news – Page 18

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    Fresh setback for Watchkeeper after grounding


    The British Army's troubled Thales Watchkeeper WK450 programme appears to have suffered a fresh setback after the revelation that the unmanned air vehicle was grounded earlier this year following a pair of accidents.

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    News photo reveals new Northrop stealth design concept


    ​Northrop Grumman confirms that a previously unpublicised design concept for an apparently stealthy aircraft was revealed in a photograph as part of a Los Angeles Times newspaper articleabout a top company executive.

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    GE reveals major achievements in hybrid electric propulsion


    ​GE Aviation has broken a two-year silence on a major research project in hybrid electric propulsion with a new white paper that discloses several major advances demonstrated in two experiments since 2015 and that confirms the company is in talks with several potential aircraft makers about using the new technology.

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    Kronstadt unveils latest Russian large UAV concept


    ​Kronstadt Technologies unveiled at the MAKS air show on 19 July a flying prototype and a vision to enter the export market within three years with the medium-altitude, long-endurance (MALE) Orion-E unmanned air system (UAS).

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    Iran puts Hamaseh UAV on export market


    ​A year after the Iranian military fielded the Hamaseh unmanned air vehicle (UAV), Iran Aircraft Manufacturing Industries now offers the long-endurance surveillance and attack system on the export market.

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    Missile defence creates role for aircraft with U-2 performance


    ​A missile defence role is emerging after 2023 for an unmanned air system (UAS) with the payload and range capability of today’s manned Lockheed Martin U-2S.

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    PARIS: EMSA to take Skeldar unmanned helicopter


    The Skeldar unmanned helicopter will be provided to the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) under a new services deal, marking the second sale of the system since manufacturer UMS Skeldar was formed in 2015.

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    PARIS: Leonardo works to clear Falco for non-segregated airspace


    Leonardo is working on certifying its Falco family of unmanned air vehicles for flight in non-segregated airspace, as part of a new services-based offering that it has introduced at the show.

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    PARIS: Raytheon looks at second generation of Coyote UAV


    ​Raytheon is exploring the development of a second generation of its Coyote expendable unmanned air vehicle, which will contain a number of different elements that can be selected by an operator depending on its requirements.

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    PARIS: Textron unveils Nightwarden tactical UAV


    ​Textron will today unveil its newest tactical UAV offering dubbed the Nightwarden, a production-ready derivative of the satellite-communications (SATCOM)-enabled Shadow M2 that it first introduced in 2011.

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    PARIS: Leonardo introduces M-40 target drone


    ​Leonardo has introduced the new M-40 addition to its Mirach family of aerial target drones, which can effectively imitate a variety of aircraft and missile types and is easily exportable.

  • Fancraft - Urban Aeronautics

    Canadian pact helps Fancraft vision take off


    Israel's ​Urban Aeronautics has signed a partnering agreement with Certification Centre Canada, with the aim of securing type certification for its Fancraft vertical take-off and landing air vehicles.

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    ​Piasecki targets US Marine Corps MUX with ARES


    Piasecki Aircraft is tweaking its affordable reconfigurable embedded system (ARES) concept to create a candidate for the US Marine Corps’ future expeditionary unmanned aircraft.

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    Aerovironment unveils nano Snipe UAV


    Aerovironment has unveiled a new unmanned nano quadrotor, Snipe, designed for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance missions.

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    Airbus launches Aerial business for imagery services


    ​A new Airbus business launched on 9 May will offer imagery and communications from satellites and drones as a service to a global clientele, the company announces at the AUVSI Xponential convention in Dallas.

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    Jet drone maker Kratos reveals newest, most capable UAV


    Kratos Defense and Security Solutions has lifted the curtain on a new jet-powered, very high subsonic UAV, the company’s CEO Eric Demarco confirms this week.

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    ​ROTORCRAFT: Airbus Helicopters explores drone delivery in Singapore


    Airbus Helicopters has tapped Singapore post office SingPost as its partner to trial an unmanned aerial package delivery system in Singapore.

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    Airobotics lifts autonomous approval in Israel


    Airobotics says it has become the first Israeli manufacturer to receive authorisation to fly fully automated drones without a pilot.

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    Fancraft technology could drive CityHawk flying car


    Urban Aeronautics subsidiary Metro Skyways plans to develop a four-passenger, vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) flying car using its parent company's Fancraft technology.

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    Aurora revives Orion UAV production for 2019 delivery


    ​Aurora Flight Sciences will revive production of the Orion ultra-long-endurance unmanned air vehicle (UAV) and the proof-of-concept aircraft will transfer from US Air Force storage to perform a series of demonstrations with the Coast Guard.