All Civil UAVs articles – Page 11

  • News

    Startup aims to wirelessly charge industrial drones


    Global Energy Transmission is pitching the energy and infrastructure inspection industries on the value of its wireless drone recharging technology.

  • News

    Stratodynamics, UAVOS to drop Hidron glider from 118,000ft


    After successfully carrying its Hidron unmanned glider to 82,000ft using a weather balloon, releasing it and flying it down safely to Earth, partners Stratodynamics and UAVOS are preparing to drop the aircraft from 118,000ft in September or August as part of a new research project.

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    AeroVironment builds first HAWK30 pseudo-satellite


    AeroVironment has completed assembly of its first HAWK30 high-altitude pseudo-satellite (HAPS) and started manufacturing a second example in April 2019.

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    Hydrogen fuel cells could star in long-endurance UAVs


    Federal Aviation Administration approval of beyond visual line of sight unmanned air vehicle (UAV) operations could spur drone makers and operators to adopt hydrogen fuel cell powerplants.

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    Lockheed Martin expects most Indago sales to include tether power


    Lockheed Martin expects up to 80% of future Indago quadrotor sales to include purchases of the drone’s tethered power option.

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    Northrop Grumman aims to outsource much of Firebird production


    Northrop Grumman designed its optionally-piloted Firebird surveillance aircraft so that parts of its production could be readily outsourced to developing nations that demand local manufacturing involvement.

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    Vanilla Unmanned working on long-endurance VTOL UAV


    Vanilla Unmanned plans to develop a VTOL variant of its Vanilla 001 long-endurance unmanned air vehicle (UAV) for US Special Operations Command (SOCOM).

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    Garuda and Beihang UAS Technology partner on cargo UAVs


    Garuda Indonesia has entered into a partnership with Beihang UAS Technology to use BKZ-005 unmanned aerial vehicles to transport cargo in Indonesia.

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    NASA eyes eVTOLS for parapublic missions


    While urban air taxi concepts get most of the attention, early versions of eVTOLs may be useful for policing, firefighting and emergency response missions, among other public services.

  • News

    UAV industry purging hobbyist-grade components from supply chain


    The implementation of aerospace industry standards has helped the unmanned air vehicle (UAV) industry significantly improve the quality of components available compared to 15 years ago when it relied on hobbyist-grade parts and systems.

  • Analysis

    ​ANALYSIS: Four takeaways from Unmanned Systems Asia


    The Unmanned Systems Asia industry gathering in Singapore earlier this month saw a range of industry players gather to discuss the opportunities and challenges of integrating unmanned air systems (UAS) into commercial applications and airspace. A major thrust of the show was also Urban Air Mobility (UAM), with industry players ...

  • oil spill alert c Loic Bernardin AP Shutterstock r

    ANALYSIS: UAVs expand into maritime surveillance


    Large unmanned air vehicles (UAVs) have arguably reached their current level of technical sophistication thanks to the development investment – and operational experience – that has supported and advanced their military uses over the past couple of decades.

  • Airbus-Skyways-drone2 c Airbus

    ANALYSIS: Unmanned cargo is no simple delivery


    There has been much excitement over promises from retailers and social media companies over recent years to develop unmanned air vehicle (UAV) concepts that could deliver everyday goods. So far, however, these have not amounted to much, although the idea of an unmanned system being used for delivery is still ...

  • Analysis

    ANALYSIS: Airports on the UAV front line


    One of the most newsworthy events relating to the use of unmanned air vehicles (UAVs) came in December 2018, when drone sightings disrupted operations at London Gatwick airport, bringing it to a standstill in the busy days leading up to the Christmas holidays.

  • News

    US Marine Corps to add more autonomy to Kaman K-Max helicopters


    ​The US Marine Corps (USMC) plans to retrofit its two Kaman K-Max helicopters with additional autonomous capabilities to further its cargo delivery experimentation with the aircraft.

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    US Army looks for another quadcopter drone for its squads


    The US Army is looking for production sources and product information on off-the-shelf commercial quadcopter drones that could provide real time situational awareness to squads on the battlefield.

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    Spain buys two MQ-9 Block 5 Reaper drones


    ​Spain plans to purchase two General Atomics Aeronautical Systems MQ-9 Block 5 Reapers for $34 million via the US foreign military sales process.

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    USAF Research Lab looks for Skyborg prototype drone


    ​The US Air Force’s artificial intelligence Skyborg programme is working on fielding an unmanned combat air vehicle (UAV) testing platform with an early operational capability as soon as 2023.

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    ​LIMA: MALE UAVs line up for Malaysia requirement


    Kuala Lumpur is again showing signs of addressing its urgent maritime surveillance shortcomings, with apparent requirements for medium altitude, long endurance UAVs as well as maritime patrol aircraft.

  • News

    PICTURES: UPS makes first revenue drone delivery


    ​​UPS has begun daily revenue cargo deliveries by unmanned aircraft, flying medical samples on drones built by California-based Matternet for WakeMed’s flagship hospital in North Carolina.