At MTU Maintenance, we are seeing more focus on on-wing/near-wing repairs, smart repairs, smaller workscopes and an increased usage of used serviceable material as a response to the crisis and operators’ desire to prolongue time on-wing.
We expect to see a continued trend away from traditional planning with fixed maintenance intervals to more individually-tailored solutions. Some airlines are concentrating on short-term savings with cash preservation as the main objective, while others are focusing on long-term planning. MRO providers must flexibly meet both these goals to provide the best solution for customers in today’s market.
Once an engine comes into the shop, our customized workscoping, high-tech EASA-FAA approved repairs and our engineering expertise help lower overall costs. This is particularly relevant for customers preparing for increased flight schedules.
As engines age, MRO costs increase. Which is why we also provide smart strategies for mature engines. Our fully independent solutions include alternative MRO, such as smart repairs and tailored workscopes to suit operators’ remaining flight periods as well as material salvation and intelligent teardowns.
Contact us for all of the above!