All Civil UAVs articles – Page 21
Aeronautics outlines Orbiter 4 payload plans, develops new multi-rotor UAVs
The developmental Aeronautics Orbiter 4 unmanned air vehicle will be able to carry two payloads, which the company says will help it provide better target identification.
NTSB confirms structural failure of Facebook's Aquila UAV
The National Transportation Safety Board confirms it is investigating the June crash of Facebook's unmanned aircraft Aquila, which the company is developing to bring Internet access to remote regions.
Camcopter tests new COMINT payload
Schiebel and Israel Aerospace Industries’ Elta subsidiary are performing demonstrations of the former’s Camcopter S-100 unmanned air vehicle equipped with the ELK-7065 3D HF communications intelligence (COMINT) payload.
US approves sale of up to 26 Protector UAVs to UK
The UK is likely to acquire 26 examples of the General Atomics Aeronautical Systems Certifiable Predator B (CPB), according to a US State Department approval issued on 16 November.
India's Rustom II makes flight debut
The Indian-developed Rustom II unmanned air vehicle has carried out its maiden flight at a specialised test range in the south of the country.
VIDEO: Cormorant carries out autonomous pattern flight, targets 2021 series production date
Urban Aeronautics plans to begin the series production of its Cormorant unmanned air vehicle no later than 2021.
General Atomics flies extended-range Avenger
On 27 October, General Atomics Aeronautical Systems demonstrated its first successful flight of its extended range jet-powered Avenger, which the company fitted with 76-foot wings.
Russian national guard to test new fixed-wing UAV
Russia's federal national guard is due to receive a new fixed-wing unmanned air vehicle from Zala Aero, which will be delivered to the body in early 2017.
Elbit JV targets Indian UAV market
Elbit Systems and Adani Enterprises have finalised a joint venture agreement to manufacture unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in India.
Israeli navy considers deploying new UAV type on corvettes
The Israeli navy is assessing the deployment of a fixed-wing extremely short take-off and landing (ESTOL) unmanned air vehicle on its new fleet of corvettes.
IAF to replace Sea Scan fleet with Heron 1 in MPA role
The Israeli air force (IAF) is phasing out its Israel Aerospace Industries Sea Scan 1124 maritime patrol aircraft, with the company’s Heron 1 unmanned air vehicle set to take over in this role.
VIDEO: Flexrotor UAV carries out Arctic mission
Aerovel has completed a two-week demonstration of its tail-sitter Flexrotor unmanned air vehicle operating from a ship off the Alaskan coast.
Brazilian economic climate could lead to Caçador acquisition delays
The Brazilian government’s plan to release a tender in early 2017 for the potential acquisition of the Caçador unmanned air vehicle may be delayed by the current uncertainties in the economic outlook for the country.
Decision on fate of German Heron TP deal expected soon
The final ruling on Germany's decision to lease one Israel Aerospace Industries Heron TP unmanned air vehicle is expected to be made soon, following a protest submission to a high court from rival bidder General Atomics Aeronautical Systems.
Netherlands to upgrade Ravens and buy two new UAV models
The Netherlands has awarded AeroVironment a contract worth $10.3 million to cover the upgrade of its existing RQ-11B Raven unmanned air vehicles, and to provide two new aircraft types..
AIRSHOW CHINA: China UAVs crank up the firepower
AVIC has introduced two high altitude long endurance (HALE) UAVs at this year's show that have a distinct emphasis on weapons payload.
Textron eyes first customers for Aerosonde HQ
Having demonstrated the new vertical take-off version of its Aerosonde unmanned air vehicle to a number of potential customers, Textron Systems hopes that current operators of the aircraft will opt to upgrade to the new capability.
Boeing to test high levels of unmanned autonomy
Boeing is planning to demonstrate the autonomous capabilities of a number of its unmanned systems during maritime surveillance operations.
Airbus Helicopters and DCNS team to offer rotary UAV to French navy
Airbus Helicopters and DCNS have joined forces to offer the former’s Cabri G2-derived VSR700 unmanned rotorcraft for a French navy tactical requirement.
USN awards MQ-25 risk reduction contract to Northrop Grumman
Northrop Grumman has become the fourth and final contractor to win a contract from the US Navy to modify a preliminary design for an unmanned stealth bomber into an aerial tanker.